About Us
Uitwaaein Magazine is a platform for art, culture, and social connection. Located in Wageningen, Uitwaaien Magazine features amateur and professional artists from the area and surroundings seeking to create bridges and bring a breath of fresh wind to the mind of readers and contributors.
Uitwaaien Magazine is a non-profit organisation that believes in art as a means of connection. The magazine is printed twice a year, summer and winter, with each edition aiming for diverse and inclusive content. Everyone and all kinds of artistic disciplines are welcome.
- Editor-in-chief & Chair: Moshe Weissman
- Chair: Joao Gouveia
- Design: Wenjiao Song & Smaranda Filip
- PR - social media: Maria Joaquina Acosta
- Editorial board: Karsten Brunt, Anne-Marie Zwaninwk, Nina Sowa, Elettra Ferioli, Didi de Vries (advisory board), Ron van der Sterren (advisory board)
Are you interested in joining the project as a volunteer or board member? Send an email to uitwaaien.magazine@gmail.com
The fifth edition 'Dimensions' luanched on December 11th!
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